Advisory board meetings are held here

Every board pass over a period of 1-4 weeks in accordance with a special scenario

The site is designed specifically for scientific advisory boards. All the boards are held according to a specific scenario, which is developed for each expert council individually.

Usually this is an initial video session (1-2 hours), then a session of individual experts' work on issues & questions that are on the board's agenda (7-10 days), then a discussion session (7-10 days).

The final video session usually held in the format of a panel discussion (video session).

This works well.

Verified by bigpharma.

What does the process look like?

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Текущие ограничения классических мероприятий vs AB-online


(F2F, Zoom, Teams )
по времени
Вы можете использовать
ровно стольrо времени, сколько запланировано программой
Больше нет
«нам нужно двигаться дальше»
Только 1 человек может
говорить одномоментно.
Остальные должны слушать
Все участвуют одновременно.
Нет необходимости
«дождаться микрофона»
Фокус участников/
Вы должны участвовать
в определенное время,
вне зависимости, от того,
готовы вы или нет
Значительно более широкое «временное окно» для участия
в тот момент, когда это удобно
Логистика, билеты, проживаниеПри проведении очных мероприятий необходимо планировать заранееЗначительно проще собрать
всех участников вместе.
Нет проблем с логистикой
Подумать прежде чем высказатьсяВы не можете остановить митинг
в реальном времени для того,
чтобы участники могли подготовиться
У участников есть время для того, чтобы подумать, обратиться
к литературе, прежде чем дать ответ
После начальной реакции,
для экспертов имеется ограниченное время для того, чтобы услышать других
и ответить самим
Значительное количество времени,
для того, чтобы дать комментарии
на ответы других экспертов
Время на модерацию(для того,
чтобы подумать, дать обратную связь, ответить - ограниченно
Модераторы видят «пульс дискуссии», и могут им управлять
 Обратная связьГлубокие инсайты,
обоснованные мнения

Экспертов выбираете вы, также вы можете воспользоваться нашей помощью

  1. Проводить совет будет помогать опытный модератор, и высококвалифицированный медицинский райтер.
  2. Мы осуществляем расшифровку голосовых сообщений участников .
  3. Мы пишем проект резолюции.
  4. Мы знаем ряд секретных приемов,  чтобы все прошло как задумано.


Quality of discussion

You obtain important answers to the questions that really matter to you. Without superfluous information, only what you need. You can also participate in the discussion and ask questions, comment on opinions. You have time to think: any matter is considered over a minimum of 2 weeks.

Composition of members

Top experts are relatively busy people. An online advisory board is a solution that allows one to gather the people whose opinions are genuinely important to you in the place and at the time suitable for everyone. Without borders, politics, language restrictions.

Resources and stress

There is no need to book expensive hotels, flights, and transfers or worry about food. This means saving money and time. This provides you with an opportunity to focus on your primary objective, take advantage of our experience, assistance, and make your life easier.


The expert participates in the event at the time and day when it is convenient for him/her. The consideration of materials lasts at least 2 weeks. There is time to think, to collect your thoughts, consult literature before answering, to review other sources. Everyone has an opportunity to speak up. Everyone participates at the same time. There is no need to “wait for the microphone.”


The expert does not need to travel anywhere. He/she participates from the location where he/she is comfortable. There is no need to ask your superiors for permission to leave, abandon patients, family, go on a business trip, get stuck in traffic jams and/or change your plans.


You can participate in a matter consideration via your phone, tablet or computer (or all listed items at the same time). You can provide your opinion in the morning, in the afternoon, or in the evening after work.

Our advantages

Time limitations
Time limitations
You can use exactly as much time as provided by the program
There is no more “we need to move on”
Full participation
Full participation
Only one person can speak at a time. The rest must listen
Everyone participates at the same time. There is no need to “wait for the microphone”
Participant’s focus/preparation
Participant’s focus/preparation
You must participate at a certain time, whether you are ready or not
You must participate at a certain time, whether you are ready or not
Logistics, tickets, accommodation
Logistics, tickets, accommodation
With face-to-face events, you need to plan in advance
It is much easier to gather all participants together. There are no problems with logistics
Think before speaking
Think before speaking
You cannot stop a live meeting for the attendees to get prepared  
Participants have time to think, to consult literature before providing their answers
Others’ opinions
Others’ opinions
After the initial reaction, there is limited time for the experts to hear others and respond themselves
Considerable amount of time to provide comments on the answers from other experts
Moderation efficiency
Moderation efficiency
Time for moderation (in order to think, provide feedback, answer) — limited
Moderators monitor “the pulse of the discussion” and can control it

Send a request for a matter to be considered by an expert advisory board

Issues considered by expert advisory boards